Advancing Youth Equity and Safety
Our mission is to ensure the paramount concern in family court is the child’s safety and wellbeing, support domestic work as labor and end the stigma against alternative families.
How are we doing this?
Creating awareness for the need of a family court system that is equitable, transparent and accountable to child equity and safety, while helping protective parents navigate the system in its current condition.
Creating awareness of the value of domestic work and the need for increased independence of child caretakers, while supporting professions that are overwhelmingly dominated by marginalized parents.
Creating awareness for the option of starting an alternative family outside of the bi-gendered nuclear family, supporting alternative families and ending stigma and systemic harm against alternative families.
Our Team
Officers and Volunteers
Shira Cole - Chair and organizer. Extensive experience in advancing the voices of underrepresented communities through grassroots organizing and outreach.
Gina B. - Certified Crime Victim Advocate- Mother and survivor helps network and outreach to other families and children in need of resources. Student of legal studies in family law.
Kim M. - Secretary - Mother and survivor. Court case data researcher for identifying trends in family court.
Tanya G. - Tech Support and Business analyst.
(We are omitting full names to protect the identities of our officers involved due to many of them having been victims of domestic violence and abusive litigation in family court.)
Potential Boardmembers
As a new organization we are seeking qualified organizations and advocates to stand on our board. If you are interested in supporting our mission please contact us for consideration on our board.